Selamat datang di kota Makassar! Kota yang terletak di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan ini memiliki banyak destinasi wisata menarik yang siap memanjakan wisatawan dari dalam dan luar negeri. Apalagi untuk tahun 2022, ada beberapa tempat wajib yang harus dikunjungi jika berkunjung ke Makassar.
Tak lengkap rasanya bila tidak mengunjungi Pantai Losari yang merupakan icon Kota Makassar. Tidak hanya bisa menikmati nuansa pantai, di sini juga terdapat banyak kuliner khas Makassar. Tak kalah menarik, Baruga/Sultan Hasanuddin Museum yang menjadi peninggalan Kesultanan Makassar pada abad XVII. Anda dapat mengetahui sejarah dan budaya Sulawesi Selatan yang begitu kental.
Bagi penggemar objek wisata sejarah, Fort Rotterdam patut menjadi tujuan. Bangunan bersejarah yang terletak di pusat kota Makassar ini selalu ramai dikunjungi wisatawan karena letaknya yang strategis dan tentunya sejarah yang terkandung di dalamnya sangat menarik untuk dijelajahi.
Tidak hanya itu, Makassar juga memiliki destinasi wisata alam yang menakjubkan seperti KeTe Kesu yang merupakan sebuah nagari yang masih dipertahankan sebagai peninggalan sejarah dari suku Toraja. Di KeTe Kesu, wisatawan dapat menemukan beberapa situs megalitik kuno serta adat istiadat suku Toraja yang masih dipertahankan hingga saat ini.
Terakhir, jangan lewatkan pula destinasi wisata alam lainnya yaitu Taman Nasional Bantimurung Bulusaraung yang memiliki keindahan alam seperti air terjun dan gua-gua stalaktit yang dinilai sangat eksotis. Nah, itu tadi beberapa destinasi wisata terbaik di Makassar yang wajib dikunjungi pada tahun 2022 jika berkunjung ke sini. Jangan sampai ketinggalan ya!
“Wisata Makassar 2022” ~ bbaz
10 Destinasi Wisata Makassar Terbaik 2022 yang Wajib Dikunjungi
Makassar, the capital of South Sulawesi, is known as one of the busiest and popular cities on Sulawesi Island. It’s also famous for its culinary delights, diverse culture, and beautiful natural scenery. There are numerous places to visit while in Makassar, Indonesia. This blog article will compare ten of the best destinations with their unique attractions, history, and essential travel information.
1. Losari Beach
Losari Beach is one of Makassar’s well-known and beloved tourist spots. Many people refer to it as the face of the city. Losari Beach differs from other beaches due to the unique sunset view it offers. Strolling the length of the shore, visitors can find an array of activities that can be done, such as bike rentals, street food, and the iconic floating mosque.
Pros | Cons |
Free entry and many activities to do | The beach can be crowded during holidays or weekends |
2. Fort Rotterdam
Fort Rotterdam is another must-see place in Makassar, especially for history lovers. The fort serves as a paradise for anyone who loves architecture and culture. The Tanglo’ Bulaeng Museum inside the Fort holds many cultural collections of the Gowa Sultanate. Fort Rotterdam remains vital to this day as it bears monumental significance in Makassar’s history as a former Dutch colonial office.
Pros | Cons |
Historical and cultural value | The site could be humid and hot, especially during the day |
3. Trans Studio Makassar
Being one of the most popular tourist spots in Makassar, Trans Studio Makassar offers entertainment to travelers, especially families with children. It is Southeast Asia’s largest trans-themed indoor park, which offers various fun games and rides, including a roller coaster.
Pros | Cons |
Exciting attractions for kids and adults | The prices are relatively high, and it can be crowded during peak seasons |
4. Paotere Harbor
Paotere harbor is a great location if expect to observe bustling harbor activity or merely to unwind and admire the scenery. The harbor is home to many Phinisi wooden traditional boats that still operated daily to ship goods within Indonesia’s archipelago. Visitors can see fishermen readying their nets, loaders lifting heavy loads onto ships, and many more exciting snapshots of the island’s daily life.
Pros | Cons |
Great spot to see traditional wooden boats up close | The surrounding area could be dirty and not suited for swimming activities |
5. Samalona Island
Samalona island is a modest island destination located off the coast of Makassar city. The island offers clear water with great visibility for snorkeling and diving activities. Set foot on Samalona’s sandy beaches, and behold the pristine water surrounding it. Travelers can take a boat ride to the island from Losari Beach
Pros | Cons |
Stunning natural scenery and clear waters | The boat rides can be somewhat costly, and the locals’ pushy sales pitch to tempt travelers to buy stuff |
6. Benteng Somba Opu
Benteng Somba Opu is an archaeological site that holds historical significance for Indonesia. It’s located near the Paotere harbor and dates back to the Gowa Sultanate era in the mid-16th century. Nowadays, visitors can watch traditional dance performance, see artifacts, and also learn about the various kingdoms that once prospered in Sulawesi’s area.
Pros | Cons |
Combines history and cultural elements | The architecture is not as breathtaking compared to other historic landmarks |
7. Akkarena Beach
Akkarena beach located on Makassar’s outskirts is an often-overlooked destination. Yet, the excitement that awaits there is entirely worth it. The beach offers a variety of water activities such as banana boat rides, jet ski, and parasailing.
Pros | Cons |
Perfect beach for water sport enthusiasts | The location is far from the city center |
8. Leang-Leang Prehistoric Park
Leang-Leang Prehistoric Park is a cultural destination that holds historical significance. The prehistoric park offers visitors the chance to observe a set of caves and limestone cliffs painted with ancient handprints, animal pictures, and human figures believed to have existed for more than 7,000 years ago.
Pros | Cons |
A unique cultural site | The site is not easily accessible and far from the city center |
9. Tana Toraja
Tana Toraja on Sulawesi Island’s highlands is an up-and-coming destination for tourism. Tana Toraja offers beautiful landscape views combined with intriguing culture, especially through funeral ceremonies or architecture. These high-pitch-roof Tongkonan houses situated in hilly green terrain are one of the iconic sites that make it worth traveling all the way there.
Pros | Cons |
Breathtaking scenery and exceptional cultural uniqueness | The journey to Tana Toraja is long, and transportation mode is limited |
10. Bira Beach
Bira beach in Maros Regency, located south of Makassar city, is famous for its stunning white sand and crystal blue waters. Travelers can enjoy water sports such as snorkeling, diving or just soaking up the sun while admiring the tropical surroundings.
Pros | Cons |
Great beach for sunbathing and water activities | The location is far from the city center |
Those are the ten best tourist destinations in Makassar that you should visit in 2022. By providing comparisons in the form of tables containing the advantages and disadvantages of each location, readers can make informed decisions about which places to prioritize on their itinerary.
Terima kasih telah membaca artikel kami tentang 10 Destinasi Wisata Makassar Terbaik yang Wajib Dikunjungi pada tahun 2022. Semoga informasi yang kami berikan dapat menjadi referensi dan inspirasi bagi Anda yang ingin liburan ke Makassar.
Seluruh daerah di Makassar memiliki daya tarik wisata yang mengagumkan. Mulai dari pantai bersih, taman bermain, air terjun, hingga obyek wisata sejarah tersedia di kota ini. Jadi, jangan ragu untuk memasukkan salah satu atau bahkan beberapa destinasi wisata yang telah disebutkan dalam artikel ini ke dalam daftar liburan Anda.
Terakhir, selain memilih destinasi wisata, penting juga untuk memperhatikan protokol kesehatan selama perjalanan. Terapkan protokol kesehatan COVID-19 dengan ketat, seperti memakai masker, menjaga jarak, dan mencuci tangan secara teratur. Dengan begitu, kita bisa menikmati liburan dengan aman dan nyaman.
- Apa saja Destinasi Wisata Makassar Terbaik 2022 yang wajib dikunjungi?
- Pantai Losari
- Benteng Rotterdam
- Taman Pendidikan Alam Mangrove
- Fort Rotterdam
- Mall Ratu Indah
- Trans Studio Makassar
- Bantimurung National Park
- Pulau Samalona
- Pulau Lae-Lae
- Masjid Raya Makassar
- Bagaimana cara menuju ke destinasi wisata di Makassar tersebut?
- Apakah destinasi wisata di Makassar tersebut ramah bagi anak-anak?
- Apakah ada restoran atau warung makan di sekitar destinasi wisata?
- Kapan waktu terbaik untuk berkunjung ke destinasi wisata di Makassar?
Jawab: Berikut adalah 10 Destinasi Wisata Makassar Terbaik 2022 yang wajib dikunjungi:
Jawab: Anda dapat menggunakan transportasi umum seperti bus, taksi, atau angkot untuk menuju ke destinasi wisata tersebut. Jika ingin lebih praktis, Anda bisa menyewa kendaraan pribadi atau menggunakan layanan taksi online.
Jawab: Ya, sebagian besar destinasi wisata di Makassar cocok untuk dikunjungi oleh anak-anak. Namun, Anda tetap perlu memperhatikan keselamatan dan pengawasan anak selama berada di tempat wisata.
Jawab: Ya, sebagian besar destinasi wisata di Makassar memiliki restoran atau warung makan di sekitarnya. Anda dapat mencari referensi tempat makan terbaik di sekitar destinasi wisata tersebut melalui internet atau bertanya kepada warga lokal.
Jawab: Waktu terbaik untuk berkunjung ke destinasi wisata di Makassar adalah pada musim kemarau, yaitu antara bulan Juni hingga September. Pada musim ini, cuaca relatif kering dan cerah sehingga lebih nyaman untuk berwisata.